Tuesday, February 2, 2016

"The World of Wrestling" Review

I interpreted Barthe's essay as comparing wrestling to an over the top spectacle, purely there for the audience to enjoy. After re-reading this essay numerous times I started thinking how frustrating it must be for wrestlers of all ages. Even though the essay makes thorough explanations for why wrestling can be seen purely as a spectacle, the athletes who actually compete in the sport are in turn not getting the recognition they deserve. Because of rowing crew for a number of years, I have personal experience with very similar situations. To start off, most people I've encountered don't believe rowing should count as an actual sport, and those who do have no knowledge of how it actually works. In addition, most people I've met here don't even know we have a rowing team at all. Even though Barthe brings up very valid points, I tried to look at things from a completely different perspective while reflecting back on it.

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