Monday, February 29, 2016

Gianni Schicchi Game

Gianni Schicchi was a comic Italian opera written by Giuseppe De Luca and premiered in December of 1918 at the Metropolitan Opera in New York City. The opera is set in Florence, Italy in 1299.  The opera follows the Danati family after the passing of Buoso Danati. The family is clearly more interested in Danati’s will than grieving his death. They had heard rumors that he had decided to leave all of his fortune to a monastery. Once the will is found and the family’s worst fears render to be true, none of them got any money.  They hatch a scheme to fool everyone into thinking that Buoso is still alive so they themselves can change the contents of his will through the notary. Since this opera does not have much action per say, the video game will be more about perception and strategy than random acts of violence to win.
The video game will open with a frail old man lying limp in his grand four-poster bed. All his relatives are surrounding him including his cousins, Zita and Simone, his brother in law Betto, and Zita’s nephew Rinuccio. The player (or players) will have the option to toggle and switch between characters whenever they wish, even when new characters are introduced as the levels progress. Level one is focused on finding the will. Which ever character the player selects will be competing against the other family members to find the will. Characters are free to roam the house in search but hints will not be given no matter what. The location of the will changes each game so if the player already beats the game once they can play the game all over again without an upper hand.
After the will is secured is when the player reaches level two. Level two introduces a few new characters. The family has to find Simone (the mayor of the virtual town) and tries to persuade him into helping them get the money they think they so rightfully deserve. Here is where things get a little funky. In order to get an answer from Simone the player(s) have to do something “wowing”. For example, stage a flash mob.  The game becomes interactive at this point so if you are dancing at this part then your character will too. Once something worthy of an answer from Simone has been done, (spoiler alert) Simone will tell you that he cannot help as suggest you seek guidance elsewhere.
As players enter level three they embark on another adventure to find help it is suggested that they seek guidance from Gianni Schicchi. Once Schicchi is located, something even more daring needs to be done to get his help. Players are suggested to go “all out”. Flash mobs and crazy dance moves will not work this time.  It is suggested to perhaps learn some minor gymnastic moves if one really wishes to pass this level. If your offering is declined for not being good enough players will have to start the whole entire game over. On the contrary if the players offer is accepted the Gianni Schicchi will offer his help.
Level four is when things get a little crazy. Schicchi amends that since no one else is aware if the death of Buoso Danati, they can just simply dress Schicchi up as Danati himself, change the will, and no one will know the difference. Players will be given the option to choose a new clothing style, hairstyle, etc for Schicchi in hopes of fooling the notary. At this point in the level players will be forced to play Schicchi’s character and have to act out his actions once the notary arrives. Players will have the option to choose what Schicchi responds in conversation with the notary as well. Once again the notary will need some convincing so another task must be preformed. Seeing as the game is nearing its end, this task is assigned and switches up every game. The tasks range from intense karaoke battles to athletic challenges like a push up contest. If only one player is currently playing then computer/console has the capabilities to battle against them. If the notary is successfully convinced and the will is changed then the game has been won.

Technology and art: Engineering the future

 More and more artists are pushing the boundaries of art, looking outside of what's perceived as ‘traditional’ to incorporate other aspects into their work”(Gever).

After reading this article, the quote above seemed to really resonate with me. Art is evolving like never before giving individual artists the freedom to explore and express themselves in new ways. The author of this article, Eyal Gever, is actually a 3D digital sculptor; a profession which would have never even existed a mere twenty years ago yet now people can make a living off of it. Yes, I guess some “bad” art is inevitable but people deserve the creative freedom to experiment with new technology without being frowned upon.

(3D sculpture by Eyal Gever)

Pjotr Sapegin’s Madama Butterfly Animation

I actually found myself enjoying Madama Butterfly by Pjotr Sapegin. The story itself is absolutely heartbreaking and I felt myself struggling not to cry at the end. One puppet lives alone on an island until a mysterious white ship approaches the shore. The handsome sailor puppet and the island puppet become lovers, only for the sailor puppet to leave shortly after. The island puppet falls pregnant and gives birth, all the while waiting for her sailor to return. Once he does return, however, he returns with another woman and takes the island puppets child away from her, which causes the ultimate heartbreak. The island puppet ultimately can only find peace with death.
This short film kind of reminded be a little bit of a custody battle parents might go through during a divorce. Even if both parents end up getting custody the child still needs to split their time, ending up with he or she being ripped away from one parent and handed on to the next in a cycle. The child might ultimately have to end up dealing with step parents, similar to the child in the film.  

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Paper Airplanes

(Praying Mantis Paper Airplane Design)
I’m going to come right out and say that making a paper airplane was way more difficult than I remember. I went through countless sheets of paper and many different designs before I made one that was good enough to bring to class. I had a lot of fun with this activity and ended up making a “praying mantis” paper airplane. Unfortunately the picture above isn’t my plane (lost mine in the parking lot) but it does look very similar. In class my paper airplane sort of crashed and burned, it went all of two feet before it started to take a nosedive straight for the ground. However, once we went up to the parking lot was when the capabilities of my paper airplane really showed. The first throw it looped around and actually came back into the parking lot, which was very unexpected. The second throw the airplane actually looped back again, but went back into the parking lot a level below where we were standing and I was unable to find and retrieve it.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Thoughts on "What a Mess: Chaos and Creativity"

(Messy vs Clean)

This article peaked my interests on several different levels. Diving right in here, the main thing that really stood out to me was the participant’s choice in food after filling out a survey in either a cluttered or neat environment. The article states, “Those who had been working in an orderly workspace were more generous…They were also more likely to make the healthy food choice”. While reading this whole article I was constantly relating the results to myself. My roommates and I here at school try to keep our room relatively neat as we all make our beds, don’t leave clothes on the floor, etc. However when given the choice, 10 out of 10 times I would choose chocolate over an apple regardless of my environment. Being honest I’ve gone through two bags of Dove chocolate over the past four days. So as for my “clean and neat” environment affecting my food choices, I had to disagree with the study.